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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Heroin Effects

There are many different types of heroin effects that a drug user can experience, and heroin effects can be extremely detrimental to a person's mind and body. Heroin is an opiate derived from the drug morphine, and its highly addictive properties and quick acting-effects made it a popular street drug immediately.
In reality, a heroin user's body is unable to function normally, and once heroin is put into the body the person no longer has any desires but to find more of the drug.

Heroin can be smoked, snorted and injected intravenously, however the heroin effects felt from injecting the drug are often more intense, therefore more desirable. Aside from the heroin effects risk of contracting incurable and fatal diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis, the drug's addictive quality makes it extremely difficult for a user to ever try to stop.

When heroin is first infiltrated into a person's body, the brain's natural chemistry reacts with the heroin toxins to create what users describe as a feeling of 'euphoria'. Heroin effects damage the nervous system and can also cause short and long term harm to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Because of the toxins in the drug, as well as the way that it is taken into the body, heroin is a drug that many people overdose on.

Heroin users that continue to use the drug will find that they feel the heroin effect of addiction start to take control of them. Once a user comes down off the high the desire to obtain more of the drug grows in the form of an obsession or craving. With this obsession also comes a higher tolerance for the drug, meaning more is needed to experience the same heroin effects and high.

While lucky people come out of the overdose alive and unharmed, others either die or have severe and permanent damage as a result.

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