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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Emotional Balance

Most people experience life as a roller-coaster of different emotional states, accepting without question that emotions are something that just happen in response to life events. Therapy is a way that you can learn to manage your emotional state and change it at will in order to experience emotional freedom.
Anchors are naturally occurring associations between an external stimulus and a behavioural or emotional response. Not all anchors are positive.

Therapy makes use of anchors in order to empower people to have control over their emotional states. Specific techniques in which a stimulus is used to trigger and link an emotional state. It is also possible to completely collapse negative anchors so that external stimuli that cause you negative emotional states will no longer be a problem.

You will already have all positive emotional resources within you that you need.

The process involves remembering specific times in the past when you have experienced the emotional resource you wish to anchor.

Change Your Limiting Beliefs

Have you ever taken the time to stop and think about your beliefs and values. Ask yourself – *where have my beliefs originated?
*Do my values and beliefs serve me?
Beliefs act in the same way. Basically, you have beliefs about everything, including the world, politics, social issues, concepts, and religion. Beliefs underlie your internal representations, which is your map of the world. Your beliefs also filter sensory data that you take in from the environment and favour sensory data that supports and confirms your beliefs. We know form models that the internal representations people hold effect their emotional state and behaviour. Therefore, beliefs have an influence on your emotional state and behaviour.

*Beliefs and Values are your motivators
The core beliefs you hold are your motivators, they are the basis from which you function in the world. People tend to works towards things that they value.

*Beliefs distort how you view the world
Every belief and value is basically a generalisation that you have made abut the world.

*Beliefs and values determines what happens to you
*Beliefs about the world and yourself can actually determine what happens.
Therapy teaches people the importance of communicating in the positive when you are thinking. Limiting beliefs hold people back and prevent them from doing things they want too. Therapy has effective techniques for changing illogical and limiting beliefs that can allow you to move on and experience the world through a new pair of glasses.

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