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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How You Can Eliminate Anxiety and Stress

Let’s face it – if you live in the past or the future – if you constantly think about the past or the future then you are going to be continuously stressed out. The key is to start focusing on the present moment – which we are constantly experiencing and is always changing.

The events that cause stress all have one thing in common – you have to think about those events. If you don’t think about them – you eliminate stress. Easier said than done – I know. But it is the single act of thinking about them and not the present that causes stress. At this point – right now – as you read this newsletter – only the present moment exists. The past – which consists of events that have already occurred no longer exists – it’s over. The future – which consists of events that have yet to take place and is undetermined, does not exist – it hasn’t happened and may not happen – so why worry about it?

However, as human beings we exist in the present moment – we exist here and now. This present moment is the only thing that is real. The past doesn’t exist today and therefore is not real. The future, which has not yet happened, is also not real – only your life today and what takes place now is real and this should be where you live and this is what your mind should concentrate on.

I know you’re probably saying: “Sounds great Karim – but what the heck do you mean? And how am I supposed to do this when I’ve got bills to pay, a family to feed and a job that I hate?” Okay – so what are you stressed out about? My point is that you’re not stressed because of the situations that exist – you’re stressed because you don’t think you can pay the bills, you don’t think you can feed your family and you don’t think that your job is going to get any better. How do you eliminate the stress? Focus on what is happening now. You have a job – do the work. You have a family – enjoy their company – you can feed them today – feed them today. You can save some money today – save some money today so that you can pay the bills tomorrow. Get the mind to think this way and you’ll eliminate the stress. Once you start doing this – you stopped thinking about the past or the future and you have shifted your focus to the present – your thoughts and life is focused on the present – suddenly there is nothing to stress about because the present is perfect.

When you start focusing on the present moment you will begin to realize that the stress and anxiety that you experience in life comes from a mind that is focused on the past or future – but never focused on the present moment. Is it possible to stay focused on the present moment all the time? No – in fact it’s virtually impossible to stay in the present all of the time and thus it is the challenge of life to stay in the present for as long as you can. However, if you stay in the present moment more often than you focus on the past or the future – then you will eliminate most if not all of your stress and anxiety.

When you work with the Creating Power system you learn how to shift your focus away from the problems of the past and away from the concerns of the future. With Creating Power you’ll learn how to eliminate stress while creating the life you want. Creating Power even offers a special bonus section to show you how to eliminate fear, stress and anxiety – all of which are caused by negative thinking.

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