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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Managing Your Fears, Anxieties, Depression, Ocd, And Panic Attacks

What do you do when your fears, anxieties, and depression are stronger than what you can handle? There are times that no matter what you do, your fears have the best of you. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their every day anxieties, stresses, and fears.
When facing a current or upcoming task that overwhelms you with a lot of anxiety, divide the task into a series of smaller steps and then complete each of the smaller tasks one at a time. Completing these smaller tasks will make the stress more manageable and increases your chances of success.

Sometimes we get stressed out when everything happens all at once. When this happens, take a deep breathe and try to find something to do for a few minutes to get your mind off of the problem. A person can get some fresh air, listen to some music, or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things.

Sometimes we encounter a scary situation that gets us all upset. When encountering these events, always remember to get all of the facts of the given situation. Gathering the facts can prevent us from relying on exaggerated and fearful assumptions. By focusing on the facts, a person can rely on what is reality and what is not.

In dealing with your anxieties, learn to take it one day at a time. Instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week, try to focus on today. Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your problems. You never know when the answers you are looking for will come to your doorstep. We may be ninety-nine percent correct in predicting the future, but all it takes is for that one percent to make a world of difference.

At times, a person might encounter a fearful thought that may be difficult to manage. When this happens, visualize a red stop sign, which can serve as a reminder to stop thinking about that thought. Regardless of how scary the thought may be, do not dwell on it. This technique is good in dealing with obsessive and scary thoughts.

Sometimes, it helps to be able to talk to someone about our stressful situations. Talking to a trusted friend, counselor, or clergyman can not only make us feel better, but they can give you additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. Managing your fears and anxieties takes practice. In time, you will become better able to deal with your stressful problems.

As a layman, I have over fifteen years of experience in dealing with fear and anxiety. At times, my fears had the best of me, however I never gave up and I was always determined to find the answers to my problems. Regardless of how difficult it may be to manage your fears and anxieties, the answers are out there if you look hard enough.
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How You Can Eliminate Anxiety and Stress

Let’s face it – if you live in the past or the future – if you constantly think about the past or the future then you are going to be continuously stressed out. The key is to start focusing on the present moment – which we are constantly experiencing and is always changing.

The events that cause stress all have one thing in common – you have to think about those events. If you don’t think about them – you eliminate stress. Easier said than done – I know. But it is the single act of thinking about them and not the present that causes stress. At this point – right now – as you read this newsletter – only the present moment exists. The past – which consists of events that have already occurred no longer exists – it’s over. The future – which consists of events that have yet to take place and is undetermined, does not exist – it hasn’t happened and may not happen – so why worry about it?

However, as human beings we exist in the present moment – we exist here and now. This present moment is the only thing that is real. The past doesn’t exist today and therefore is not real. The future, which has not yet happened, is also not real – only your life today and what takes place now is real and this should be where you live and this is what your mind should concentrate on.

I know you’re probably saying: “Sounds great Karim – but what the heck do you mean? And how am I supposed to do this when I’ve got bills to pay, a family to feed and a job that I hate?” Okay – so what are you stressed out about? My point is that you’re not stressed because of the situations that exist – you’re stressed because you don’t think you can pay the bills, you don’t think you can feed your family and you don’t think that your job is going to get any better. How do you eliminate the stress? Focus on what is happening now. You have a job – do the work. You have a family – enjoy their company – you can feed them today – feed them today. You can save some money today – save some money today so that you can pay the bills tomorrow. Get the mind to think this way and you’ll eliminate the stress. Once you start doing this – you stopped thinking about the past or the future and you have shifted your focus to the present – your thoughts and life is focused on the present – suddenly there is nothing to stress about because the present is perfect.

When you start focusing on the present moment you will begin to realize that the stress and anxiety that you experience in life comes from a mind that is focused on the past or future – but never focused on the present moment. Is it possible to stay focused on the present moment all the time? No – in fact it’s virtually impossible to stay in the present all of the time and thus it is the challenge of life to stay in the present for as long as you can. However, if you stay in the present moment more often than you focus on the past or the future – then you will eliminate most if not all of your stress and anxiety.

When you work with the Creating Power system you learn how to shift your focus away from the problems of the past and away from the concerns of the future. With Creating Power you’ll learn how to eliminate stress while creating the life you want. Creating Power even offers a special bonus section to show you how to eliminate fear, stress and anxiety – all of which are caused by negative thinking.
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What is Stress?

I know you’re probably saying stress is stress. I know I have it because I just know. Okay – but what exactly is stress – it’s important to understand what stress is so that you can address it, change it and eliminate stress. Let’s go by the proper Definition, which says: “Stress is the by-product of thoughts. These thoughts that cause stress fit into 2 categories: 1) they are thoughts related to an event that has already taken place – better known as the past and 2) they are thoughts that relate to a situation or event that may or may not take place – also known as the future.” For example: when you think about an argument with a friend that took place recently – your thoughts are focused on a passed event – you are in the past. If you think about the bills that have to be paid tomorrow or next week – then your thoughts are on the future. You may worry about the stock market – your thoughts are on the future. You may recall a troubling experience – your thoughts are on the past. In all situations your thoughts that cause the anxiety, and stress are thoughts of the past or the future.

I know you’re probably saying stress is stress. I know I have it because I just know. Okay – but what exactly is stress – it’s important to understand what stress is so that you can address it, change it and eliminate stress. Let’s go by the proper Definition, which says: “Stress is the by-product of thoughts. These thoughts that cause stress fit into 2 categories: 1) they are thoughts related to an event that has already taken place – better known as the past and 2) they are thoughts that relate to a situation or event that may or may not take place – also known as the future.” For example: when you think about an argument with a friend that took place recently – your thoughts are focused on a passed event – you are in the past. If you think about the bills that have to be paid tomorrow or next week – then your thoughts are on the future. You may worry about the stock market – your thoughts are on the future. You may recall a troubling experience – your thoughts are on the past. In all situations your thoughts that cause the anxiety, and stress are thoughts of the past or the future.

If you find you are experiencing stress or anxiety – make note of your thoughts and you’ll find that a majority of them are focused on the past or the future. With this being the case there is little or no opportunity to have thoughts that focus on the present moment. If you’re mind is not in the present moment, if you’re thoughts are not in the present moment – then you are sure to experience stress and anxiety.

Your mind is not where it should be – in the present moment – and you’re subconscious is only getting more confused because it is trying to create opportunities for you in the present moment – but you’re not there – so you can’t see them. Then you get angry or frustrated because things don’t improve – but you’re not there anyway – so even if they did improve you wouldn’t know. Here’s an example: Say you’re at a park – waiting for a friend who is going to repay you some money. You wait for an hour – then you start worrying about your car – you had parked at a meter and can’t remember if you had put enough in for an hour or 2 hours. So you decide to go back to your car and check. Sure enough – you had enough for 2 hours. You come back – wait another hour and your friend never shows. So you leave. Hours later you talk to the friend who tells you he was running late – he came by the park an hour late – didn’t see you and assumed you had left. You missed the opportunity because you were worrying about something you did an hour earlier. Get the idea. I’m not saying don’t check the meter – I am saying pay attention and live in the moment – then you’ll see new opportunities and eliminate stress. Be here now and the stress will disappear.

Students who work with my Creating Power system learn to shift their thoughts to focus on what they want, what is happening now and focus on all the positive aspects that are taking place in their life right now. If you’re not doing this – then you’re not living – you’re simply wasting time stressing out and filling your life with anxiety. If you want to start enjoying life then take control of your thoughts – Creating Power shows you how to start living, eliminate stress and achieve your goals.
"How You Can Eliminate Anxiety and Stress"
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